Our Latest News

May Exhibition

A big thank you to everyone who made our exhibition a great success.  To all our very talented members for their art and voluntary contributions towards the smooth running of the event, before, during and after.   To Lower Clopton Farm Shop for kindly donating a lovely hamper to the member whose painting was voted the visitors' favourite.   Most of all thank you to everyone who came and gave us such lovely feedback and to those who purchased a piece of artwork to brighten their home.   

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Our April demonstration saw us welcoming renowned local artist, Rod Craig who gave us an inspiring demonstration creating a loose watercolour landscape.   Rod has exhibited at many prestigious shows and has work in collections across the globe.

During the afternoon those of us lucky enough to attend his sell out workshop had a chance to put all his tips into practice, aided by his endless encouragement and generous advice. 

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We were delighted to welcome Jilly Oxlade-Arnott as our guest speaker this month.   A gallery owner and professional artist, specialising in architectural impressions, Jilly shared a wealth of knowledge covering not only on her own techniques and artistic journey but also marketing and places to display work.   She discussed what galleries look for and how important it is to find your own style.   The second half of the morning was given over to a demonstration detailing her approach, Jilly being both generous with her advice and patient with our many questions.

In the afternoon some of our members were lucky enough to join her very successful workshop.  You can see the results at the end of the reel.


Our February demonstration was a real treat when our very talented member, Chrissy Darbyshire, showed us her process for producing amazing animal portraits using coloured pencils. Chrissy shared her wealth of knowledge on all things pencil, through the different features of various brands, the best surfaces to use, plus mediums and tools; handing round examples so we  could examine them closely.   She then skillfully worked on a current portrait, talking us through her technique.   We are hoping to persuade her to run a workshop in the future.


A huge thank you to artist, Melanie Wright, who kindly gave us a  brilliant demonstration on capturing movement in animals.  Using charcoal she produced two wonderful images, all the time explaining  her techniques and answering our questions.  In the afternoon some lucky members were able to attend a workshop and try for themselves.

